Reading Index
Pre-departure: 1. It's Happenning!!! 2. Wot's happening? Wot's happening? (Indian accent) 3. Pre-departure count down-17 day: Cook Straight is 100x wider than Johor Straight!? 4. Pre-departure count down-16 day: How? What? Where? When? 5. Pre-departure countdown - 9 day: Lucky Day 6. Pre-departure countdown - 8 Days: Checklist 7. Re: Checklist 8. Big Set-Back: Rotten Luck 9. Please spare me from anymore torment! 10. Updates 11. Come What May 12. Final Count Down On The Road 1. The Journey Began 2. shout-out from Kiwi! 3. Kia Ora, Auckland! 4 . Journey to Taupo 5. Gaga over Taupo 6. falling from the sky 7 . A walk to huka fall 8. Long Travelling Day and Sleepless Night in Wellington 9. The amazing hitch 10. Meet the Jacksons Farmstay 1. Intro to Atawhai Farm - the People and Animals 2. Intro to Atawhai Farm: the Properties, Crops, and Plants 3. Life on Atawhai farm 4. Fun Things to do at Atawhai Farmstay On the Road Again 1. Meeting Crazy George 2. The...